The benefit was a huge success. Hosted at Crestmoor Pool, about 60 people attended, nearly everyone brought donated school supplies or sports equipment for MPI, and in total we raised over $3,000. Zak flew in from NY for the event, John cooked paella, Annie set up a beautiful silent auction and I made a few pitchers of “Abbie’s knock-your-socks-off sangria.” In addition to a slideshow and presentation, we also set up candles, red tablecloths, played South American music to set the mood… and managed to have a lot of fun in the process.
The month of July has flown by and it’s hard to believe that the Ecuador site will be launched in about 30 days. Our Ecuador team has returned from their adventures around the world: Hilary is now home from Nicaragua, Craig is back from Spain, Seth has returned from his time in Taiwan, and I arrived home from Kenya about two weeks ago. And just when you thought we’d all be in the same country at the same time, Mark packs his bags (for 2 years!) and will head off to Ecuador in a few days to get things started.
We’re counting down one month until Ecuador- so while we get everything set to go, please send us happy visa thoughts (we’re in the process of applying) and wish us luck… because the next update you receive will be sent from Quito!
Take care and until next month,
Abbie Foust

Annie, John, me and Zak at MPI Benefit Dinner in Denver.
p.s. Our apologies: Last month, another organization mistakenly added the MPI Ecuador listserv to their own. We have corrected the problem, apologize for any unsolicited emails you may have received, and promise to do better.
If you'd like to find out more about that organization, check out