Friday, April 3, 2009

March 2009

Another month, another missive from Manna Project, Ecuador.

This time, however, instead of attempting to rehash the past month's events in a perhaps too wordy email, I thought we'd try something new. At times, when something really big has happened, written words just cannot do justice to it; this was definitely the case with the library-teen center project of ours. To that end, below you will find a link to a short film I pulled together from footage taken at the grand opening of our new space. Think of this as "monthly update, version 6.0".

We wish you all could have been here to share the day with us; please know that you were in spirit. Also please bear in mind that I am still learning the ins and outs of iMovie; we've all got to start somewhere, right?

After watching that, if you're aching for more video documentation of Manna Ecuador life, head over to the Daily Life Blog and watch the interview with country director Mark Hand, the first in a series. Who knew life with a video camera could be so fun?

Until next month,
Holly and Team Ecuador